Lists all necessary documents needed to operate a vehicle.
To be completed by all first time drivers operate any vehicle on UEI business. This form requires authorized approval prior to use of the vehicle.
To be completed by all first time drivers to operate their privately owned vehicle and submitted with the Application for Vehicle Operation Authorization form. This form requires authorized approval prior to use of personal vehicle and must be updated annually.
Authorizes the California Department of Motor Vehicles to provide UEI Human Resources your driving record annually or when action is taken against your driving privilege during your employment. To be completed by drivers who drive more than once a week or whose primary duty is driving related.
Policy for Using Electronic Devices While Driving
To be completed by all first time driver and submitted with the Application for Vehicle Operation Authorization.
To be completed after any motor vehicle accident in a UEI owned vehicle including Electric Golf Cart, personal vehicle, or rental car while driving on UEI business. This form is to be submitted within 48 hours of the accident to UEI Human Resources and UEI Business Services.
Defensive Driver Training
Defensive driver training is an online course that is required if driving more than once a week or twelve times a year. This one (1) hour course covers advance defensive driving techniques to reduce your chances of being involved in a motor vehicle accident.
How to take the course: Once all required paperwork is completed and submitted to UEI Human Resources; you will receive an email with a link and instructions to take the online training.
Details the rules and guidelines under which vehicles can be operated on the inner campus pathways.
Golf/Electric Cart Safety Training
Employees operating a golf/electric cart, especially in the inner campus, must complete the online Golf Cart Safety Training. Employees must complete the Application for Vehicle Operation Authorization form. Once the form is completed and submitted with all the required documents to UEI Human Resources, you will receive an email with a link and instructions to take the online training.
Rental Car
Employees are expected to utilize Enterprises Rental-A-Car with which UEI through the CSU Auxiliary Organization has a contract that includes insurance coverage. Contact UEI Human Resources for rental rate information or account number information to make the reservation. Employee must complete the Application for Vehicle Operation Authorization form and submit to UEI Human Resources.
Guidelines to follow when riding a bicycle on campus and when riding a bicycle on campus for 群P无码, Inc. business.
Complete to acknowledge you鈥檝e read and will follow the Bicycle Safety Guidelines.
Complete at least 30 days prior to traveling to a foreign country for UEI business.